Just one word…
Pioneer Plastics Domain, Plastics.com, Now Available for Sale
Plastics.com is the world's largest and oldest online community dedicated to serving the needs of professionals from all segments of the plastics industry. With over 70,000 members, it provides a range of features including technical advice, blogs, calendars, resources, articles, news, forums, and a marketplace. Additionally, new features are constantly being added to enhance the user experience.
Plastics.com By The Numbers
Launched as Poly-Links,
the first plastics portal
Renamed as Polymers.com
Renamed as Plastics.com
Our Background & Timeline
Founded as WebLabs in 1994, through 2000
• Agency founded on November 15th, 1994 by plastics industry professionals as WebLabs.
• WebLabs primarily produced web development for the plastics industry and venture funded high tech DotComs.
• WebLabs won numerous nationally recognized creative awards across multiple industries.
• As a full service agency work included web, seo, marketing strategy, corporate identity and conventional services such as print, tv, radio, catalogs, ecommerce, etc.
The DotCom Crash of 2000
Upon observing multiple clients crash during the DotCom crash of 2000, the company sagely decided to shift marketing focus away from the high tech market and focus solely on our plastics industry niche in both publishing and agency services.
Re-engineering and the emergence of plastics.com
At our press conference in June of 2000 at the NPE in Chicago, WebLabs announced the transition of the company to Plastics.com LLC and the relaunching of it’s popular published property, polymers.com, as www.plastics.com.
Plastics Industry Marketing & Publishing 2000 - 2014
Since 2000, Plastics.com LLC has concentrated solely on assisting plastics industry firms with their web marketing and strategies. Also, www.plastics.com continued to grow steadily to it’s current traffic, membership and search dominance.
Re-engineering as the ‘Plastics.Agency, LLC’ in 2015
In 2015 Plastics.com LLC transitioned to a new corporate identity as ‘Plastics.Agency, LLC’ to better include our agency work scope and to better represent our growing network of multiple published plastics websites.
Plastics.com Factoids
🎉 World’s busiest plastics forums
🎉 Twenty years of constant growth
🎉 First award winning plastics site
🎉 Inspiration of many imitators
🎉 Leader in plastics social followers
Plastics.com’s Historical Background
How Plastics.com is viewed in the world
From Users; As a great, free resource for technical information, business contacts and community centered around plastics. From Partners; As a valued resource for lead generation services. From Partners; As a trusted advisor on internet marketing best practices
Plastics.com Demographics & Traffic
Averaging 30,000 to 40,000 unique visitors monthly and growing
55% North America, 14% Europe, 25% Asia
Members; 24% Engineers, 11% Design, 10% Buyers, 12% High Management
Industries; 25% Processors, 27% Resins, Additives & Modifiers, Tooling 7%
The Plastics Industry ‘Content Marketing’ Leader
The dominant plastics industry website across multiple metrics.
The Google leading plastics website; 247 top ten Google Keyword Rankings
The Link Building leader with almost 20,000 external links to plastics.com
Over 80,000 forums members with over 40,000 posted web pages
The leading industry site for forums, auctions, events and forum activity
Mass Email Plastics.com
Our members agree to receive partner mass emailings as a condition of joining
Typical mass email stats include a 10.03% open rate and 0.65% CTR
Social Media Plastics.com
The Social Media leader with more combined likes, followers, joins, subscribes, etc
Overview - Concept - Philosophy
The State of ‘Plastics Industry’ Marketing
Let’s face it. In general, the plastics industry lags behind other industries in marketing sophistication. Slow to embrace the internet, mainly due to print media bias, we will probably be the last industry to sell obsolete ad banners.
Our Philosophy Was Derived... Elsewhere
We studied the best marketing philosophies of other industries and were inspired to derive our unique variation of what we learned elsewhere.
The Length of the Campaign
Studies show that the most effective marketing campaigns were the longest ones. Hence we ONLY offer annual programs. No monthly or quarterly programs.
A Successful Campaign Must be Multichannel
What this means is that the program must be in adequate placements to be seen, to be remembered. So in our PlasticsEdge™ web component, as an example,
placement includes white papers, forums, events, blogs, press releases, etc.
A Successful Campaign Must be Cross-Media
Overlapping, to us, means that the campaign is not just an ad banner, or an email. It’s a year long campaign incorporating concurrent overlapping and comprehensive campaigns of web, email and social media.
Hence, the PlasticsEdge™ was created
No one in the plastics industry sells anything like the PlasticsEdge™ and never will be able to because our programs utilize the unique and extreme SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ability of the one and only gTLD, (generic Top Level Domain) to the vast plastics industry; plastics.com
Lead Generation by plastics.com
A Brief Introduction...
PlasticsEdge™ Uniques
Built on the oldest plastics website in the world, a Google algorithm factor!
Built by the most experienced web dev and seo team in the world!
Built on the industry’s only gTLD, generic top level domain name, a Google algorithm ‘authority’ factor!
A unique and sophisticated program that has no comparable lead gen program in the plastics industry!
The only lead gen campaign that seo’s your keywords to your published paper!
The only off-site lead gen program that increases your site’s search ranks by in-depth association with plastics.com!
The only lead gen program that will attract more quality leads from Google than from the media site’s direct traffic!
Plastic's.com's PlasticsEdge™ Benefits Summary
Unequaled Plastic Marketing Experience
Over twenty years of continual experience with the same core team in place, no other agency or website comes close to our experience in internet marketing, web development and search engine optimization
The Dominant Plastics Industry Domain Name
The plastics.com g(TLD) domain provides an enormous advantage for you over all other plastics industry media. The Google algorithm ‘authority factors’ of age, size, freshness, and earned ‘Google trust,’ along with our unrivaled SEO experience, allow our team to develop the highest-ranking keyword positions of anyone in the entire industry!
The PlasticsEdge™ Multichannel Unparalleled Lead Generation
Annual programs that are comprehensive and overlapping produce the highest quality and highest value in lead generation. The PlasticsEdge™ program provides a cross-media multiplier effect
📈 SEO’ed Content Marketing
Content is King, we’ve all heard it. But Contextual Targeting with Branded Microsites
on the industry’s dominant domain by the world’s oldest SEO team starts to become
an embarrassment of riches.
✉️ Mass Email Campaign
Mass email your rich HTML messages to tens of thousands of opt’ed-in plastics professionals multiple times per year.
💬 Social Media Campaign
An active Social Media Campaign indirectly but powerfully increases your site’s Google ranks versus your competitors. We share our proprietary methods and re-broadcast your messages
Measurable ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment)
Monthly, metrics reports are issued detailing traffic, referrals, click-thru rates, etc. All information provided to easily calculate your ROMI
PlasticsEdge™ White Paper FAQ
2000 words is the minimum optimum for SEO but we’ve had great success with 500 word papers.
2000 words is approximately a five page word document. 500 words would typically be a one page word doc.
Of course, we have several expert technical writers, but there is a fee for that. Ask us!
Yes, we can help ‘neutralize’ a sales style paper and we can help tweak a draft, no charge.
Yes, we have strong expertise in doing so and are happy to assist you in keyword research.
SEO’d Web Content Marketing - 1st of 3 Yearlong Campaigns
Based on MULTIPLE Neutral White Papers
You provide neutrally written white papers for us to publish on plastics.com. Multiple papers over time from ‘one per quarter’ to ‘one per month’. These papers are about your key technologies, case studies, market info, etc. The PlasticsEdge™ does not charge ‘per white paper’. Add as many as allowed. And best, each white paper provides roughly the same amount of leads, so 2 white papers produces twice as much as one, four; four times as much!
SEO’d to your Keywords, Key Phrases
Our SEO team works with you to develop and assign primary and secondary keywords to each paper. As the paper is published we will then SEO the paper to YOUR approved keywords to attract quality leads
Most of the header and all of the right side column are branding for your firm. We’ll design it for you, work with your marketing staff or simply take what you provide. It’s up to you. The branding column can include anything that a website can; html, video, forms, animated ‘calls to action’, contact info, product info, and so on.
Content Marketing on Steroids - Your branded plastics.com white paper begins to rank on Google
Next, the page will begin to rank for keywords. Your white paper will be seen on Google by people searching for your exact keywords. Usually about two thirds of the leads come directly via Google seaches for your keyword
Double Filteration for Quality
Many lead gen programs end up using traffic manipulations to send you traffic, but it’s mostly garbage traffic! The PlasticsEdge™ program performs filtration on your traffic... twice! First, people find you predominantly through Google searches for your exact terms. Hence they are interested in what you do. Secondly, as they arrive at your white paper, they see in the branding an obvious supplier of that product or service. So if they ‘click through’ knowing they are going to a supplier, they have become even more so ‘qualified’.
More plastics.com placements
In addition to the white paper placements, you receive a premium position on plastics.com’s Google leading plastic directory. Additionally, you can receive sponsorship placement in our industry discussion forums, the industry’s most heavily trafficed plastics forums.
PlasticsEdge™ Email FAQ
No! Segmentation is essentially an invention of marketeers to charge you more for sending less. Our members can opt-out any time they’d like, and our perspective to you is that you are getting your entire segment AND you are branding to everyone else!
No! Based on typical industry rates for email list rentals from media firms, most charge roughly $100 - $200 per thousand emails to send ONE email! At our current list size that would be $3,000 to $7,000 to send an email once! Based on that, the PlasticsEdge™ email campaign alone can justify the cost of the program.
Mass Email Component - 2nd of 3 Yearlong Campaigns
Your rich media email is sent to over 33,000 plastics professionals
Our plastics.com members agree to receive partner emails in return for free membership.
Members can opt-out of any email subscriptions
Your design, our server
The email is NOT combined with other partner’s info. Each contains only your message. You may provide the email to us, or we will help you craft it. The email will contain a small message to our members alerting them that this is a plastics.com partner email and we provide the required un-subscribe links.
We suggest crafting a series of messages
Since the PlasticsEdge™ runs for a year, we suggest crafting an annual campaign with a series of messages. We cannot give you our email list but we do encourage you to have your emails to contain a ‘call to action’ to solicit our members to join ‘your’ email list, thereby growing your email list
We provide industry standard metrics reports to you
Metrics include all of the expected statistics including; emails sent, opens, unique opens,
open rate, link clicks, and the click-through-rate (CTR)
What will your CTR be?
We don’t have much of an idea because actual plastics.com CTRs vary quite a bit from partner to partner. And that makes sense, as our partners produce a range of goods and services that range from mainstream to quite specific and narrow niches. Just try to produce quality content that will be of interest.
Measurable Metrics & ROI
Typical Example Stats #1) 3.7% Open Rate and 0.4% click-through-rate (CTR)
Typical Example Stats #2) 8.3% Open Rate and 0.6% click-through-rate (CTR)
Typical Example Stats #3) 4.0% Open Rate and 0.4% click-through-rate (CTR)
Plastics.com's traffic sent to client websites is much higher than the reported average rates. Each campaign's results vary. Campaigns typically have lower results than your in-house list, as the plastics.com members did not individually signup for your particular emails, just in a general way
Our Social Media Followers
Twitter… → 6,963 total
Facebook… → 1,048 total
LinkedIn… → 5,885 total
GPlus… → 210 total
Total Social Media Followers
* some counts are the result of more than one account, for example we operate two LinkedIn Groups, so both are counted. Counts are ‘as of’ mid 2015.
Social Media Component - 3rd of 3 Yearlong Campaigns
The Social Media Rant
For most companies the amount of leads that can be collected is minimal and the value of the effort to do so is often questioned. Usually, they’re right! Leads from these channels is likely to be minimal.
The Social Media Secret
The value is not in the direct leads you’ll receive. The value is in the fact that social activity is a Google algorithm ranking factor! Period!
Google’s ‘Socials’ Factor
Because Google attempts to obfuscate their algorithm ranking factors, half of the SEO/Social Media industry isn’t even aware of the effect of social media activity on a website’s search engine rankings. Virtually no marketing execs in the plastics industry are aware of this!
All things being equal...
If there are two competitors who are essentially equal in Google’s eyes, except that one has active social channels and one does not, Google will give a clear preference in rankings to the socially active website.
The Plastics Edge™ Social Media Campaign
First we audit your social media strategy and help fill in the blanks, if needed. We will help ensure you are maximizing your social strategy with the minimum amount of work. We then provide you with our proprietary social broadcasting techniques, designed for maximum effectiveness with a minimal effort.
The Plastics Edge™ likes, shares, favorites, subscribes, connects and endorses every social broadcast you make
Google monitors what sites (like ours) are reacting to your social activity and then provides domain authority strength back to your website. And the stronger the reacting site (in age, size, gTLD status, traffic, etc) like plastics.com, the stronger the effect on your website’s search ranks across the board!
Our training, your broadcasting and our reacting cause your websites rankings & traffic to rise!
The Included Plastics Edge™ Extras
The Plastics.com Discussion Forums
Sponsor, participate and solicit business from the industry’s busiest discussion forums. Strongly moderated, only partners may solicit business directly. And we can brand you to specific forum groups.
The Plastics.com Industry Directory
Receive a premium listing in our Google leading plastics industry directory. Comparable to offers from major competitive media sites at a cost of $3 to $6 thousand per year. Included with the PlasticsEdge™!
The Plastics.com Marketplace
If you sell products online talk to us about our plastics marketplace. We can sell your products and services
The Plastics.com Careers Center
Free unlimited usage of our Plastics Career Center. Included!
The PlasticsWire™ Press Publishing & Distribution
We publish and distribute press releases from PlasticsWire.com to our exhaustive plastics,
packaging and polymers press and associations global list. Included!
The PlasticsLink™
We are world class experts in the inbound linking aspect of Google’s algorithm. We train our interested partners with our proprietary link building process and link expertise. Included!
World class SEO advice in your back pocket
We enjoy advising our partners on SEO issues on their sites. We can audit your site, advise on an SEO vendor’s performance, assist on digital marketing strategies and more! Just ask!
We are
a boutique plastics industry agency
personal, you’ll come to know us
adaptable, we don’t live by the rules
We have
more ‘net’ experience than anyone
more SEO experience than anyone
the dominant plastics websit
Plastics.com provides
the best industry Lead Gen
the highest quality leads
ROI metrics on all we do for you
Conclusion - Let’s Wrap It Up!
Plastics.com – the domain name itself provides unique benefits
The following factors, especially by combining synergistically, provides multiple unique benefits to you:
• plastics.com is the oldest plastics website, large, heavily trafficked and updated constantly
• plastics.com is the industry’s ONLY gTLD (generic Top Level Domain)
• plastics.com has earned tremendous Google Trust by decades of clean interaction
These factors allow plastics.com to dominate Google more than any plastics site in the world
The PlasticsEdge™ – Unique upon unique upon unique upon unique...
• The most experienced Web team in the world producing your web content & branding on plastics.com
• The most experienced SEO team in the world attracting direct Google searchers of your keywords
• The highest Google ranking plastics site in the world (Over 100 № 1 Google Ranks) put to work for you
Leads come from plastics.com AND direct Google searches
• Unlike ANY other lead program, our SEO’ing of your keywords to your branding on plastics.com will result in your getting more leads from us via Google than from our own impressive membership!
• Plastics.com typically becomes the #1 or #2 top referrer of traffic to your website
The highest value lead generation program in the industry
Due to our double filtration of traffic, based on your keywords, visitors sent to your website have first chosen to search for exactly what you do (via your keywords). And then, a second filtration occurs as those viewers consciously choose to click-through to a website (yours) of a vendor providing that service.
Measurable ROI and we’re easy to work with
We present you with scheduled reports including all standard marketing metrics, allowing an easy calculation of ROI. We provide leads to many of the industry’s leading and largest companies, but we have a strong affinity for our smaller partners and believe our program acts as an equalizer for them versus the larger corporations.
1-978-342-9000 and staff@plastics.agency
Plastics.com has halted marketing activity as we prepare for the upcoming sale of the plastics.com domain name. The results and statistics shown in this document represent the accurate results when last active.